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Wednesday, April 14, 2021



ü  DP: difference b/w two applied pressure of two different area.

ü  Relative humidity(RH): Humidity      concentration of water vapour present in the air. Ratio b/w the actual water vapour present in the air and the maximum amount of water vapour that air can hold at a given time which posses the  saturation.

ü  BI. USP defines a biological indicator as a characterized preparation of a specific microorganism preparation that provides a defined & stable resistance to a specific str. process.

ü  Difference b/w dynamic pass box and static pass box : static pass box use to transfer materials b/w two clean controlled area. dynamic pass box use to transfer materials b/w one uncontrolled area to controlled Env. area .

ü  why EM is important ?        EM is important to monitor the microbiological growth in the aseptic area coz EM is the main root cause of contamination of air born particles.

ü  TOC: is an indirect measure of organic molecules present in the pharmaceutical waters measured as carbon which combine wd other molecule can  produce harmful product. USP       500ppb.

ü  CFU: colony forming unit, is a unit commonly used to estimate the concentration of microorganisms in the test sample. visible colonies present in the agar plate × dilution factor.

ü  Media: A microbiological culture medium is a substance that encourages the growth , support, and survival of microorganism contains nutrients, growth promotion factors, energy sources, buffer salts, minerals, metals, and gelling agents.

ü  Conductivity : is a measure of the ability of water to pass an electrical current coz dissolve salts and other inorganic chemical conduct electrical current , conductivity increases as salinity increases. Siemens per meter or mmho/cm.

ü  MMWC:  Millimeters  per water column     the pressure exerted by a column of water of 1 mm in height at 4  ̊C at the std. acceleration of  gravity.

ü  Bio burden:  as the number of bacteria living on a surface that has not sterilized.













ü Sterility:  the state  free from microorganism. sterilization- a process by which sterility is done.

ü D-value: is the time(for heat or chemical exposure) or  the dose(radiation) required for the microbial population to decline by one log/ decimal point .

ü Z-value: the no of degrees (C/F) required for decline for one log reduction of D-value.  Z=(T2 -T1)/(logD2-logD1)

ü F-value: the equivalent time at temp.  delivered to a container or unit of product for the purpose of sterilization calculated by using a specific value of Z.

ü F0 =Str. process equivalent time: is the in minute for specified temp. that gives the same thermal lethality as at 121.3 ̊C in one minute. F0  =    t€ 10 (T-121.3)/Z .

ü RTD: Resistance temp. detector used to measure temp. by correcting the resistance of RTD element and temp.

ü Equilibration time: the period which elapses b/w the attainment of the sterilization temp. in the chamber and the attainment of the sterilization temp. in all parts of the load.

ü Hold time: the period during which the temp. in all parts of the chamber load and any coolant fluid is held within the sterilization temp. band.

ü SAL(sterilization Assurance level): A term related to the probability of finding a non-sterile unit following a sterilization step. It is usually is expressed in the negative power  of 10 i.e.  10-6.

ü Pulse: A sub cycle at the state of cycle in which vacuum & steam  are alternatively supplied to a steam sterilizer chamber , for the purpose of removal of air from the chamber.

ü Overkill sterilization: A cycle which provides a minimum 12 log reduction of resistant biological indicator with a known D-value of not less than 1 minute. This approach assures substantially greater than 12log reduction of bio burden and therefore only minimum on bio burden is required.

ü Type of Sterilization : a) Thermal and b) Non-thermal.

ü a) Thermal: by applying heat.

·       Dry heat: by oxidizing the protein. 2 hrs at 140 ̊C or 45 min at 260 ̊C. HOT AIR OVEN: two types 1. natural convection and 2.forsed convection(provide blower circulate the heated air around the object at the chamber.).DRY HEAT TUNNELS: moving belt through a tunnel .2hr. at 180 ̊C. used for power and glass vials .

·       Moist Heat :By  Protein coagulation .The thermal capacity  of steam is much greater than that of hot air. 100 ̊C gives 540 cal.  524cal in 121.3 ̊C.

Temp. ̊C

Holding time



Inactivation factor.





















·         combination Treatment: Tyndallisation: 100 ̊C and Inspissations at 60 ̊C .old method of sterilization.

·         NON-THERMAL: 1. Radiation Sterilization : UV     mercury vapour lamp, excitation     lower state to higher state      inhibits the cell metabolism. 253 7 A ̊ (253.7nm) which kills in 1100s B. subtilis  spore.

·         Ionizing str. are high energy radiations emitted from radioactive isotopes as cobalt-60(gamma rays) or produced by mechanical acceleration of electrons to very high velocities and energies(cathode rays and beta rays). 2 to 2.5 megarads.

·         Electron accelerators: 2types ,linear(3 to 15 MeV) and van de graaff(3 MeV).

·         2.Filtration Sterilization:  filters are composed of plastic polymers, including cellulose acetate and nitrate , nylon, polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate,  poly-sulfone and Teflon.  MOA. by sieving or by screening particles from solution or gas. pore size 0.2µm .

·         3. Chemical Process:  Gas sterilization(formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide). Alkylating  agent- ethylene oxide, β-propiolactone, propylene oxide.  EtO.        Humidity 90% and 60mins. 55 ̊C .used for powder (dry syrup). β-propiolactone> 2 to 4 mg per ltr. of space temp. nmt. 24 ̊C humidity 70%. Oxidizing gas(ozone, H2O2)

·         Surface Disinfectant:  Envishield- 5%,20%  Ultrabasil :-2%, 2% , ID-401:- 0.4%, 0.8%

·         New technologies: Ultra high pressure, High intensity light pulse, gas plasma.

·         Biological Indicator used for the evaluation  of Sterilization Process.      

§  Moist Heat:  Bacillus stearothermophilus  Bacillus  subtilis  clostridium sporogenes

§  Dry Heat: Bacillus subtilis  var niger .

§  Ionizing radiation: Bacillus pumilus.

§  Filtration: Pseudomonas diminuta  or  Brevundimonas diminuta.

§  Ethylene oxide: Bacillus subtilis  var niger .

§  H2O2 and peracetic acid : stearothermophilus  , clostridium sporogenes , Bacillus  subtilis  

§  Formaldehyde:  Bacillus subtilis  var niger



Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Govt of India ..... For Both DPharm & BPharm No of Vacancy : 277

Job for Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor at DPSRU - Salary Upto Rs 67000/- pm

Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (The first university dedicated to the pharmaceutical sciences in India)  Vision To be the ultimate destination for education, training and research in pharmaceutical sciences and allied areas and thereby, cater the health needs of the people at large.


No. of Post : As per sanctioned strength

Classification : Group A

Scale of pay : Rs.37, 400-67,000/-(Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/-) Level-14

Upper age limit : 55 Years

Educational and other qualification required
1. B.Pharm with First Class Master's degree in pharmacy (M.Pharm) in appropriate branch of specialization in pharmacy with Ph.D degree in any of pharmacy subjects.
2. 10 Years experience in Research and Teaching out of which 5 years must be as Associate Professor from Institute of National/lnternational repute.

Associate Professor

No. of Post : As per sanctioned strength

Classification : Group A

Scale of pay : Rs.37,400-67,000/-(Grade Pay of Rs.9000/-) Level-13A

Upper age limit : 50 Years

Educational and other qualification required
1. B.Pharm with First Class Master's degree in pharmacy (M.Pharm) in appropriate branch of specialization in pharmacy with Ph.D degree in any of pharmacy subjects.
2. 10 Years experience in Research and Teaching out of which 5 years must be as Associate Professor from Institute of National/international repute.

Assistant Professor

No. of Post : As per sanctioned strength

Classification : Group A

Scale of pay : Rs.15600-39100/-(Grade Pay of Rs.6000/-) Level-10

Upper age limit : 40 Years

Educational and other qualification required
1. B.Pharm with First Class Master's degree in pharmacy (M.Pharm) in appropriate branch of specialization in pharmacy with Ph.D degree in any of pharmacy subjects.
2. Minimum one year of teaching experience from Institute of National/international repute.

Monday, March 4, 2019

FDA updates on angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) recalls including valsartan, losartan and irbesartan

IMPORTANT: Medications containing only amlodipine or hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) are not being recalled. Manufacturers are recalling medications containing amlodipine in combination with valsartan or losartan, and medications containing hydrochlorothiazide HCTZ in combination with valsartan or losartan.

Torrent again expands its voluntary recall of losartan; Hetero also voluntarily recalls losartan

Update [3/1/2019] Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited is further expanding its voluntary recall to include 114 additional lots of losartan potassium and losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide combination tablets. This recall is due to unacceptable amounts of N-Methylnitrosobutyric acid (NMBA) in the losartan active pharmaceutical ingredient manufactured by Hetero Labs Limited.
Today, the agency also issued a press releaseto provide additional information about its ongoing investigation and another voluntary recall by Hetero/Camber Pharmaceuticals, which was announced on February 28, of 87 lots of losartan potassium tablets (25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg). The recalled losartan potassium and losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide tablets are also manufactured by Hetero, which are distributed by Camber, and contain the impurity NMBA.
Torrent and Hetero/Camber are only recalling lots of losartan-containing medication with NMBA above the interim acceptable intake limits of 0.96 parts per million (ppm).
The agency also updated the list of losartan products under recall.

Aurobindo expands its voluntary recall of valsartan and amlodipine/valsartan

Update [3/1/2019] AurobindoPharma USA is expanding its voluntary recall to include 38 additional lots of valsartan and amlodipine/valsartan combination tablets. The recall is due to unacceptable amounts of N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) found in the medicine.
Aurobindo is only recalling lots of valsartan-containing medication where NDEA has been detected above the interim acceptable intake limit of 0.083 parts per million. FDA is working with manufacturers to reduce and remove nitrosamines from angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).
The agency also updated the valsartan products under recall.

FDA updates table of interim limits for nitrosamine impurities in ARBs

Update [2/28/2019] FDA is posting the updated table of interim acceptable intake limits for nitrosamine impurities to reflect N-Nitroso-N-methyl-4-aminobutyric acid (NMBA) limits, which are the same as those for NDMA.

The agency will use the interim limits below to recommend manufacturers conduct a voluntary recall if laboratory testing confirms the presence of nitrosamine impurities in finished drug product. FDA is working with industry and international regulators to ensure products entering the market do not contain these impurities, but we are tolerating the impurities below the level established in the table for a short period of time to avoid a possible shortage of ARBs.
Not all ARB products contain NDMA, NDEA or NMBA impurities, so pharmacists may be able to provide an alternative medication not affected by the recalls, or health care professionals may prescribe a different medication that treats the same condition.
Interim Limits for NDMA, NDEA, and NMBA in Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
DrugMaximum Daily Dose (mg/day)Acceptable Intake NDMA (ng/day)*   Acceptable Intake NDMA (ppm)**Acceptable Intake NDEA (ng/day)*    Acceptable Intake NDEA (ppm)**Acceptable Intake NMBA (ng/day)*    Acceptable Intake NMBA (ppm)**
* The acceptable intake is a daily exposure to a compound such as NDMA, NDEA, or NMBA that approximates a 1:100,000 cancer risk after 70 years exposure
** These values are based on a drug's maximum daily dose as reflected in the drug label

Losartan distributed by Macleods Pharmaceuticals voluntarily recalled

Update [2/25/2019] FDA is alerting patients and health care professionals to a voluntary recall of one lot of losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) 100mg/25mg combination tablets manufactured by Macleods Pharmaceuticals. The recall is due to unacceptable amounts of N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) found in the medicine made with active pharmaceutical ingredient manufactured by Hetero Labs Limited.
Macleods is only recalling lots of losartan-containing medication where NDEA has been detected above the interim acceptable intake limit of 0.27 parts per million. FDA is working with manufacturers to reduce and remove nitrosamines from angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).
The agency also updated the list of losartan products under recall.

Torrent further expands its voluntary recall of losartan

Update [1/23/2019Torrent Pharmaceuticals is further expanding its voluntary recall to include six additional lots of losartan potassium and hydrochlorothiazide combination tablets, for a total of 16 lots of losartan-containing medicines. This recall is due to unacceptable amounts of N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in the losartan active pharmaceutical ingredient manufactured by Hetero Labs Limited.
Torrent is only recalling lots of losartan-containing medication containing NDEA above the interim acceptable intake limits of 0.27 parts per million (ppm).
The agency also updated the list of losartan medications under recall.

Irbesartan distributed by Solco Healthcare voluntarily recalled

Update [1/18/2019] FDA is alerting patients and health care professionals to a voluntary recall of one lot of irbesartan and seven lots of irbesartan and hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) combination tablets distributed by Solco Healthcare LLC, a Prinston Pharmaceutical Inc. subsidiary. The recall is due to unacceptable amounts of N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in the irbesartan active pharmaceutical ingredient manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals (ZHP).
Solco is only recalling lots of irbesartan-containing medication where NDEA has been detected above the interim limit of 0.088 parts per million. FDA is working with manufacturers to reduce and remove nitrosamines from angiotensin receptor II blockers (ARBs).
The agency also updated the list of irbesartan products under recall.

Torrent expands its voluntary recall of losartan

Update [1/3/2019] Torrent Pharmaceuticals is expanding its voluntary recall to include eight additional lots of losartan potassium tablets, for a total of 10 lots. This recall is due to trace amounts of N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in the losartan active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufactured by Hetero Labs Limited.
Torrent is only recalling lots of losartan medication containing NDEA above the interim acceptable intake level of 0.27 parts per million.
The agency also updated the list of losartan medications under recall.

FDA alerts patients and health care professionals to Aurobindo’s recall of valsartan medication due to NDEA

Update [1/2/2019] FDA is alerting patients and health care professionals to Aurobindo Pharma USA’s voluntary recall of two lots of valsartan tablets, 26 lots of amlodipine and valsartan combination tablets, and 52 lots of valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) combination tablets due to the amount of N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in the valsartan active pharmaceutical ingredient. Aurobindo is recalling amlodipine and HCTZ only in combination medications containing valsartan. Neither amlodipine nor HCTZ is currently under recall by itself.
Aurobindo is recalling lots of valsartan-containing medication that tested positive for NDEA above the interim acceptable daily intake level of 0.083 parts per million.
The agency continues to investigate and test all angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) for the presence of NDEA and N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and is taking swift action when it identifies these impurities that are above interim acceptable daily intake levels.
FDA reminds patients taking any recalled ARB to continue taking their current medicine until their pharmacist provides a replacement or their doctor prescribes a different medication that treats the same condition. Some ARBs contain no NDMA or NDEA.

FDA alerts patients and health care professionals to Torrent’s recall of losartan medication due to NDEA

Update [12/20/2018] FDA is alerting patients and health care professionals to Torrent Pharmaceuticals’ 
voluntary recall of two lots of losartan potassium 100 mg tablets due to N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in the losartan active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufactured by Hetero Labs Limited.
Not all Torrent losartan-containing medications distributed in the U.S. are being recalled. Torrent is recalling only those lots of losartan medication that tested positive for NDEA above the acceptable daily intake of 0.27 ppm.
The agency continues to investigate and test all angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) for the presence of NDEA and N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and is taking swift action when it identifies these impurities that are above acceptable daily intake levels.
FDA posted a list of losartan medications under recall. Additionally, FDA reminds patients taking this medication or any recalled ARB to continue taking their current medicine until their pharmacist provides a replacement or their doctor provides an alternative treatment option. It also is important to know not all ARBs contain NDMA or NDEA, so pharmacists may be able to provide a refill of medication not affected by the recall, or doctors may prescribe a different medication that treats the same condition.

FDA presents interim limits of nitrosamines in currently marketed ARBs

Update [12/19/2018] FDA is publishing interim acceptable intake levels of nitrosamine impurities in angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) for manufacturers to use to ensure their finished drug products are safe for patients.

The agency evaluated safety data for N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) to determine an interim acceptable intake level for these impurities in the ARB class. NDMA and NDEA are probable human carcinogens and should not be present in drug products. We are currently aware of NDMA and NDEA in certain valsartan, irbesartan and losartan-containing products, and those products and some active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) used to manufacture them have been recalled from the U.S. market. See the list of valsartan products under recall and the list of irbesartan products under recall
Drug products that contain NDMA or NDEA above the limits in the table below pose an unacceptable risk to patients. The agency will use the interim limits to recommend manufacturers conduct a voluntary recall if laboratory testing confirms the presence of nitrosamine impurities in finished drug product. FDA is working with industry and international regulators to ensure products entering the market do not contain these impurities, but we are tolerating the impurities below the level established in the table for a short period of time to avoid a possible shortage of ARBs.
The agency reminds manufacturers they are responsible for developing and using suitable methods to detect impurities, including when they make changes to their manufacturing processes. If a manufacturer detects a new impurity or higher level of impurities, they should fully evaluate the impurities and take action to ensure the product is safe for patients. To aid industry and regulatory agencies, FDA has developed and published methods to detect NDMA and NDEA impurities – the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) headspace method, the combined GC/MS headspace method, and the combined GC/MS direct injection method. These methods can be used for drug substances and products, and users should validate them as part of good manufacturing practices and where data are used to support a regulatory submission or required quality assessment of the API or drug product.
Not all ARB products contain NDMA or NDEA impurities, so pharmacists may be able to provide an alternative medication not affected by the recalls, or health care professionals may prescribe a different medication that treats the same condition.
Interim Limits for NDMA and NDEA in Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
DrugMaximum Daily Dose (mg/day)Acceptable Intake NDMA (ng/day)*   Acceptable Intake NDMA (ppm)**Acceptable Intake NDEA (ng/day)*    Acceptable Intake NDEA (ppm)**
* The acceptable intake is a daily exposure to a compound such as NDMA or NDEA that results in a 1:100,000 cancer 
risk after 70 years exposure 
** These values are based on a drug's maximum daily dose as reflected in the drug label
For comparison with the levels of NDMA found in some common foods, please see our Aug. 20, 2018, update.

FDA updates NDMA and NDEA detection methods, announces posting of ZHP warning letter

Update [12/12/2018] The FDA has updated its testing methods to detect NDMA and NDEA impurities – the (GC/MS) headspace method, the combined headspace method, and the combined direct injection method – by adding the limits of detection (LOD) and clarifying that the methods can be used for both drug substances and drug products. These methods were validated with respect to valsartan drug substances and drug products, but the agency expects them to have comparable LODs and limits of quantitation (LOQ) for other angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB).
The agency also issued a press release announcing the posting of a warning letter the agency issued Nov. 29 to Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. (ZHP).

Mylan expands its voluntary recall of valsartan-containing products

Update [12/6/2018] Mylan Pharmaceuticals is expanding its voluntary recall to include all lots of non-expired valsartan-containing products due to trace amounts of N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in the valsartan active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufactured by Mylan Laboratories Limited. The 104 additional lots include 26 lots of amlodipine and valsartan tablets, 51 lots of valsartan tablets and 27 lots of valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide tablets. These lots were distributed in the U.S. between March 2017 and November 2018. 

FDA alerts patients and health care professionals to Teva’s recall of valsartan products due to NDEA

Update [11/27/2018] FDA is alerting patients and health care professionals to Teva Pharmaceuticals’ voluntary recall of valsartan-containing products manufactured using active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) from Mylan Pharmaceuticals. Mylan voluntarily recalled valsartan-containing products on November 20.
Teva is recalling all lots of amlodipine and valsartan combination tablets and amlodipine, valsartan, and hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) combination tablets due to the presence of N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA). Teva has recalled other valsartan-containing products in recent months due to the presence of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). With this recall, Teva has now recalled all their unexpired valsartan-containing products from the U.S. market.
The agency continues to investigate and test all angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARBs) for the presence of NDMA and NDEA and is taking swift action when it identifies these impurities that are above acceptable levels.
FDA has updated the list of valsartan products under recall and the list of valsartan products not under recall. The agency reminds patients taking this medication or any recalled ARB to continue taking their current medicine until their pharmacist provides a replacement or their doctor provides an alternative treatment option. It also is important to know that not all ARBs contain NDMA or NDEA, so pharmacists may be able to provide a refill of medication not affected by the recall, or doctors may prescribe a different medication that treats the same condition.

FDA alerts patients and health care professionals to Mylan’s recall of valsartan products due to NDEA

Update [11/21/2018] FDA is alerting patients and health care professionals to Mylan Pharmaceuticals’ voluntary 
recall of 15 lots of valsartan-containing products due to the presence of N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA).
Not all Mylan valsartan-containing products distributed in the U.S. are being recalled. Mylan is recalling only those lots of valsartan-containing products that tested positive for NDEA above the acceptable level. The agency continues to investigate and test all angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) for the presence of NDEA and N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and is taking swift action when it identifies these impurities that are above acceptable levels.
FDA has updated lists of valsartan products under recall and valsartan products not under recall. Additionally, FDA reminds patients taking this medication or any recalled ARB to continue taking their current medicine until their pharmacist provides a replacement or their doctor provides an alternative treatment option. It also is important to know not all ARBs contain NDMA or NDEA, so pharmacists may be able to provide a refill of medication not affected by the recall, or doctors may prescribe a different medication that treats the same condition.
FDA has also posted questions and answersto assist health care professionals and patients.

FDA alerts patients and health care professionals to Sandoz’s losartan potassium and hydrochlorothiazide recall of one lot due to NDEA

Update [11/9/2018] FDA is alerting patients and health care professionals to Sandoz’s voluntary recall of one lot – JB8912 – of losartan potassium and hydrochlorothiazide 100mg/25mg tablets, that contain losartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB), and hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic, used in combination for the treatment of hypertension. Sandoz’s product was made using an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) that has tested positive for NDEA. The API was manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, which is on import alert.
Sandoz’s losartan drug products make up less than 1 percent of the total losartan drug products in the U.S. market.
FDA continues to investigate the presence of NDEA and NDMA, which are probable human carcinogens, in ARBs and is taking swift action when it identifies unacceptable impurities in API and finished drug products.
FDA reminds patients taking this medication or any recalled ARB to continue taking their current medicine until their pharmacist provides a replacement or their doctor provides an alternative treatment option. It also is important to know not all ARBs contain NDEA or NDMA, so pharmacists may be able to provide a refill of medication not affected by the recall, or doctors may prescribe a different medication that treats the same condition.

The links below are to FDA-published testing methods to provide options for regulators and industry to detect NDMA and NDEA impurities. These methods should be validated by the user if the resulting data are used to support a required quality assessment of the API or drug product, or if the results are used in a regulatory submission.
  • The combined headspace method is a GC/MS method that allows determination of both NDMA and NDEA simultaneously in sartan drug substance and drug products.
  • The combined direct injection method is a GC-MS/MS method that allows for determination of both NDMA and NDEA simultaneously in sartan drug substance and drug products.
The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM) has also published methods to detect NDMA and NDEA. FDA has not validated EDQM's methods.

FDA alerts patients and health care professionals to ScieGen’s irbesartan recall due to NDEA

Certain irbesartan products labeled as Westminster Pharmaceuticals Inc. and GSMS Inc. recalled
Update [10/30/2018] FDA is alerting patients and health care professionals to ScieGen’s voluntary recall of certain lots of irbesartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB), because they contain N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), a known animal and suspected human carcinogen (causes cancer). FDA laboratory testing confirmed NDEA in some lots of ScieGen’s irbesartan. ScieGen’s irbesartan products are labeled as Westminster Pharmaceuticals and Golden State Medical Supply, Inc. (GSMS). See the list of irbesartan products under recall. This is the first non-valsartan drug product the agency has found to contain the NDEA impurity.
ScieGen’s recall affects about 1 percent of the irbesartan drug products in the U.S. market.
Additionally, Aurobindo, which manufactures the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) for ScieGen’s irbesartan products, is recalling all unexpired lots of its irbesartan API supplied to the U.S. market with NDEA. FDA and Aurobindo laboratory testing confirmed NDEA in certain lots of their irbesartan API.
FDA reminds patients taking any recalled ARB to continue taking their current medicine until their pharmacist provides a replacement or their doctor provides an alternative treatment option. Not all ARBs contain NDEA or N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a probable human carcinogen previously found in certain recalled valsartan products, so pharmacists may be able to provide a refill of medication not affected by the recall, or doctors may prescribe a different medication that treats the same condition.
To date, ScieGen is the only manufacturer of irbesartan drug products found to contain NDEA. FDA continues to test all ARBs for the presence of impurities and has publicly posted two methods for manufacturers and regulatory agencies around the world to test their ARBs for the unexpected NDMA and NDEA impurities. The combined headspace method and the combined direct injection method can detect and quantify NDMA and NDEA simultaneously in ARB API and finished drug products.
FDA continues to work with API and drug manufacturers to ensure their products are not at risk for NDMA or NDEA formation. The agency reminds manufacturers they are responsible for developing and using suitable methods to detect impurities, including when they make changes to their manufacturing processes. If a manufacturer detects new or higher levels of impurities, they should fully evaluate the impurities and take action to ensure the product is safe for patients.
For additional information about ARB products, see:

FDA updates recalled valsartan-containing product information

Update [10/24/2018] FDA continues to evaluate valsartan-containing products and other angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), and has updated the list of products included in the recall to add one additional lot of RemedyRepack.

FDA releases additional NDMA/NDEA detection method

Update [10/16/2018] FDA is posting a gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) method utilizing liquid injection for detecting the presence of impurities N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in valsartan drug products.
This method provides an additional option for regulators and industry to detect NDMA and NDEA impurities. This method can be used alone or in combination with the combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) headspace method the agency recently posted. Like the previously posted methods, this method should be validated by the user if the resulting data are used to support a required quality assessment of the API or drug product, or if the results are used in a regulatory submission.

FDA releases method for detection and quantification of both NDMA and NDEA

Update [10/11/2018] ] FDA is posting a redeveloped combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) headspace method for detecting the presence of impurities N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in valsartan drug products.
FDA previously posted a GC/MS method for detection of NDMA in valsartan products. Upon detection of NDEA in valsartan products manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals, FDA redeveloped the testing method so that it can be used to detect and quantify levels of both NDMA and NDEA. This method should be validated by the user if the resulting data are used to support a required quality assessment of the API or drug product, or if the results are used in a regulatory submission.
FDA is also working on a GC/MS direct injection method for detection of NDMA and NDEA. We will post the method when it is available. This will provide an additional option for regulators and industry to use to detect both impurities.

FDA posts laboratory analysis of NDMA levels in recalled valsartan products

Update [10/5/2018] FDA posted laboratory test results showing NDMA levels in recalled valsartan products. FDA will also post test results and an assessment of the cancer risk from NDEA when they are available.

FDA places Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals on import alert

Update [9/28/2018] FDA placed Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals on import alert on September 28, 2018, to protect U.S. patients while the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturer fully determines how impurities were introduced into its API and remediates its quality systems. The import alert stops all API made by ZHP and finished drug products made using ZHP’s API from legally entering the United States. FDA’s action follows a recent inspection at ZHP’s facility.
FDA reminds manufacturers that it is their responsibility to develop and use suitable methods to detect impurities, including when they make changes to their manufacturing processes. If a manufacturer detects new or higher levels of impurities, they should fully evaluate the impurities and take action to ensure the product is safe for patients.

FDA updates recall lists and releases method for the detection and quantification of NDMA in valsartan

Update [9/24/2018] FDA has updated the list of valsartan products not under recall with five Teva products that were not previously on either list.
Update [8/24/2018] Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited is expanding its voluntary recall. FDA has updated the list of valsartan products under recall.
Update [8/22/2018] Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited is expanding its voluntary recall to all lots of unexpired valsartan-containing drug products due to the detection of NDMA in the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals.
RemedyRepack, a repackager of Torrent’s valsartan/amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) tablets, has also recalled.
Additionally, FDA is releasing a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) headspace method for manufacturers and regulators to detect and quantify NDMA in valsartan API and finished drug products. The agency is using this method to test potential NDMA-containing APIs and drug products. This method should be validated by the user if the resulting data are used to support a required quality assessment of the API or drug product, or if the results are used in a regulatory submission.

FDA updates recalled valsartan-containing product information and presents NDMA levels in some foods

Update [8/20/2018] FDA is alerting health care professionals and patients that Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited is voluntarily recalling 14 lots of valsartan/amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) tablets. Not all Torrent valsartan products distributed in the U.S. are being recalled.
FDA recently learned Torrent used affected valsartan active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals. FDA testing confirmed NDMA in some Torrent products.
To date, Torrent has not received any reports of adverse events related to this recall.
FDA has updated the list of valsartan products under recall and the list of valsartan products not under recall to incorporate additional repackagers of Camber’s valsartan products and Torrent’s recall.
NDMA is a known environmental contaminant. For context, it is found in water and foods including meats, dairy products and vegetables.
Estimated Range of Daily NDMA Consumption for certain foods (Recommended daily food consumption rates based on Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020)
  • Cured meat - 0.004-0.23 micrograms1
  • Smoked meat - 0.004-1.02 micrograms1
  • Grilled meat - 0.006-0.13 micrograms1
  • Bacon - 0.07-0.09 micrograms2
    • In more ordinary terms, for example, one pound of bacon may contain 0.304-0.354 micrograms of NDMA
FDA reminds patients taking valsartan from a recalled lot that they should continue taking their current medicine until their doctor or pharmacist provides a replacement or a different treatment option. Not all valsartan products contain NDMA, so pharmacists may be able to provide a refill of valsartan medication not affected by the recall, or doctors may prescribe a different medication that treats the same condition.
1 Mavelle, T., B. Bouchikhi, and G. Debry, The occurrence of volatile N-nitrosamines in French foodstuffs. Food Chemistry, 1991. 42(3): p. 321-338.
2 Park, J., et al., Distribution of Seven N-Nitrosamines in Food. Toxicol Res, 2015. 31(3): p. 279-288.

FDA updates recalled valsartan-containing product information

Update [8/9/2018] FDA has updated the list of valsartan products under recall and the list of valsartan products not under recall to incorporate recalls of valsartan-containing products manufactured by Hetero Labs Limited, in India, labeled as Camber Pharmaceuticals Inc. Not all Camber valsartan products distributed in the U.S. are being recalled.
Camber Pharmaceuticals is recalling certain valsartan tablets because they contain the impurity N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Hetero Labs manufactures the API for the Camber products using a process similar to Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals.
Test results from Hetero Labs show the amount of NDMA found in its valsartan API exceeds acceptable levels; although it is generally lower than the amount discovered in the API manufactured by Zhejiang.
FDA is testing samples of valsartan API and finished products to confirm the extent and amount of NDMA and help inform the ongoing investigation. The agency has also contacted other manufacturers of valsartan API to determine if their manufacturing processes are at risk for the formation of NDMA, and is working with them to ensure NDMA is not present in future valsartan API.
Valsartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB), and FDA is investigating whether other types of ARBs are at risk for the presence of NDMA.
Recalled valsartan products labeled as Camber may be repackaged by other companies. FDA will provide updates as more information becomes available.

FDA updates recalled valsartan-containing product information and reminds API manufacturers to evaluate processes for unsafe impurities

Update [8/2/2018] FDA continues to evaluate valsartan-containing products and has updated the list of products included in the recall and the list of products not included in the recall. In addition to updating the lists, FDA revised information related to A-S Medication on the list of products included in the recall. The agency will continue to provide information when it becomes available.
FDA is working with drug manufacturers to ensure future valsartan active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are not at risk of NDMA formation. The agency reminds manufacturers to thoroughly evaluate their API manufacturing processes, and changes to those processes, to detect any unsafe impurities. If a manufacturer detects new or higher levels of impurity, they should take action to prevent changes to the product’s safety profile. 

FDA updates recalled valsartan-containing product information

Update [7/27/2018] FDA is updating health care professionals and patients after discovering that several additional companies that repackage drug products are also recalling valsartan-containing products.
FDA has product recall information from three additional repackagers of valsartan-containing products made by Teva Pharmaceuticals and Prinston Pharmaceuticals Inc. – labeled as A-S Medication Solutions LLC, AvKARE and RemedyRepack – and the agency has added them to the recalled products list. Two of these companies, A-S Medication and RemedyRepack, may also distribute valsartan products not affected by the recall. The agency is confirming this information and will provide an update once it is available.
The following additional repackagers are recalling or are expected to recall valsartan-containing products. FDA is working to gather product recall information from these companies and has removed them from the list of products that are not impacted by this recall:
  • Bryant Ranch Prepack Inc.
  • H. J. Harkins Company Inc. (this company was not originally included on either list)
  • Lake Erie Medical, doing business as Quality Care Products LLC
  • NuCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  • Northwind Pharmaceuticals
  • Proficient Rx
It is possible that not all valsartan-containing products repackaged by these companies are impacted by the recall. FDA continues to evaluate valsartan-containing products and will update the list of products included in the recall and the list of products not included in the recall as more information


  ü   DP : difference b/w two applied pressure of two different area. ü   Relative humidity(RH): Humidity       concentration of water va...